
101 Questions & Answers on Women in the New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this helpful volume, Judith Schubert answers challenging questions about New Testament women. Shubert addresses Paul’s teaching on gender and women teachers; the role of Mary, mother of Jesus; and the absence of women among the apostles and the contributors to New Testament canon.

46. In Luke 13:10–17, why does Jesus heal the crippled woman in the synagogue when she simply appears but does not expressly ask for healing? 47. In Luke 15:8–10, why would the woman who lost and found only one silver coin call her friends and neighbors to celebrate? What was the significance of this coin? 48. In Luke 18:1–8, why would the judge refuse the persistent widow’s pleas for justice? 49. In Luke 18:1–8, what kind of justice granted by God does Luke refer to in the parable of the persistent
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